GGGE Grant and Your Green Pledge!

2024 ended with the best possible news - we were successfully awarded our first grant!  We received $15,400 from the Glen Ellyn Fund, part of the DuPage Foundation, to fund three specific community initiatives we have planned for Glen Ellyn.  Read below to learn more, and then take your own "green pledge" with us in 2025 to win a prize!


In case you missed it…

Go Green Glen Ellyn receives over $15K to cut single-use plastic waste on the front page of the Neighbors section of Daily Herald or on Patch: Grant Funds Will Spur 3 Initiatives For Go Green Glen Ellyn.

If these initiatives interest you, we would love to have you join our projects team in 2025 - reach out to learn more!


We are excited to work on these three projects in 2025 to help Glen Ellyn Go Greener! This work is in addition to our SportSwap and other community events, recycling collections, presentations, and our education through our newsletter and website.  

We invite you to tell us how YOU plan to go greener in 2025, and we will also give you an award (sorry, not $15,000...)! Share your greener resolutions and why you chose them - they can be big or small!  We will pick one winner to receive a $25 Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce gift check.  Send us your pledge by January 20.  Winner will be notified January 24!

Ideas to get you started!

  • Pledge to finally bring your reusable bags to the store (instead of forgetting them at home or in the car).

  • Pledge to invest in a reusable water bottle that you will bring with you.

  • Pledge to try eating a plant based recipe (at home or out) once a week in place of meat.

  • Pledge to replace one car trip per week by walking or biking.

  • Pledge to read one book about the environment this year. We recommend Solvable: How We Healed the Earth, and How We Can Do It Again by Susan Solomon.

  • Pledge to watch a documentary about the environment. Everyone keeps telling us about Buy Now: The Shopping Conspiracy on Netflix, but we haven't watched it yet!

Submit your pledge here - we trust that you'll complete it :)

More Ideas
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Go Green GE wins grant to reduce single-use plastic in Glen Ellyn