Reduce and Reuse
Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution is a complex problem that is growing, as plastic production expected to double in the next 15 years. We at Go Green Glen Ellyn are parents and concerned residents who are asking the question: “Is it time we reconsider our relationship with plastic?”
Green Dining
Eating gives you a chance to make a difference three times a day - or even more! Reducing our food and food-packaging waste helps keep valuable resources from getting trashed.
Recycling in the Glen Ellyn area can be confusing. Beyond curbside with Groot (Village) and other carriers in unincorporated GE, it’s difficult to know what to recycle, how and where to do it. DuPage County has a great recycling guide that talks about the differences between curbside and non-curbside.
Plastic Turf Impact
Recently, Go Green made a public comment at the D41 School Board about proposed use of artificial turf at the Churchill All Day Kindergarten. We feel it is important that administrators and parents understand the risks associate with plastic turf and we will continue to raise awareness of the issue.
Green Holidays
Holiday Recycling, Entertaining, Wrapping, Shopping and more!