Go Green Grants. What better way to help spread the green than to offer microgrants to people and organizations in support of projects that create a more sustainable Glen Ellyn.
What is a GGGE Green Grant? What projects or programs would make Glen Ellyn greener? It all begins with an idea and some passion. Go Green GE is about education, advocacy and volunteerism — working to help businesses and residents in Glen Ellyn make more sustainable choices. Have a project in mind? Apply! Our grants can run anywhere from $50 to $500.
Who can apply? Residents, local organizations, businesses or any group that has a proposal that adds value to our community and supports GGGE’s values.
How do I apply? Fill out the application form below. A member of Go Green GE will be in touch if we have questions. Grant requests will be reviewed by the GGGE board for approval. If you are still in the ideation phase and would like to brainstorm with us, please reach out at gogreenglenellyn@gmail.com.