Who we are.
Our Go Green Journey
We started Go Green Glen Ellyn because we were constantly looking for a "one stop shop" about local environmental information and events and found it didn't exist! Additionally, we like volunteering in our community, but know from experience its easier (and more fun) to do with others.
Go Green Glen Ellyn joins over 20 other local chapters of Go Green Illinois community groups, based mostly in the northern suburbs. We regularly connect with other groups to share information and ideas.
We are also a non profit, 501(c)(3) and are able to take donations to help support our efforts. Go to the Donate button at the top of the page if you feel so inclined!
We need more like-minded folks just like you to join our team and get involved!
We feel the need...the need for SEEDs!
If you're digging what we're growing here at Go Green Glen Ellyn, why not consider joining our SEED team? We are looking for some additional members to help us with organization, content writing, photos, event planning, pursuing environmental collaborations with village groups and businesses, or another great idea you might have! We expect it's about 2-4 hours a week of volunteer time.
Interested in learning more? Send us an email!
Our Leadership Team
Jacquelyn Casazza, President Co-Founder (on right)
Karin Daly, Co-Founder (middle)
Angela Powell, Director of Operations (on left)