Green Up Your Valentine’s Day! 💚
by Karin
Who doesn’t love LOVE? And LOVE is what Valentine’s Day is all about. This year, show your affection for your loved ones while also giving our planet some love! One criticism of V-Day is that it is a ‘Hallmark Holiday’ and while we love ourselves a handwritten sentiment now and again, there are many ways to express your feelings while also being mindful of our planet.
We Love Valentines Day, but.....
Americans spend about $200 on average for Valentine's Day, amounting to about $26 billion in sales. Top gifts are candy, cards, flowers and an evening out. While we feel ‘consumables’ like these can be great gifts, we can’t embrace some of our traditional Valentine go-to's. Read ahead to learn about some troubling aspects of V-Day that make our heart long for some better options!
Greeting cards are ubiquitous, but most — especially cards made with foil or glitter — are non-recyclable. And watch out for the cards that light up, sing or talk when they are opened. There are small ‘button’ batteries inside which are very dangerous if swallowed and definitely not recyclable!
Class valentines are unavoidable in the elementary years, and most teachers ensure all children get and give lots of valentines! That often means your child is bringing home a ton of small plastic trinkets, which quickly end up in the garbage can with an express trip to the landfill.
Flowers. Valentine's Day accounts for 30% of the annual cut flower sales in the US. But we don't often stop to consider the environmental impact of flowers…think tons of water, greenhouses needing heat/light, a flood of pesticides/herbicides to keep them bright and bug-free, refrigerated storage, etc. Plus these lovely stems must get to your loved one within 3-5 days after being harvested and that means more storage and specialized refrigerated air transport as most flowers are grown overseas. And each bouquet is swaddled in plastic cellophane or inserted in plastic floral foam (filled with microplastics) and then wrapped in more single-use plastic for good measure.
Candy, mostly chocolate, is a delicious consumable, but the packaging is problematic, with a lot of plastic wrapped goodies inside of more plastic and a heart shaped box. The contents can also include palm oil for shelf stability, which is linked to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and environmental justice issues. (There is an interesting debate going on about palm oil and sustainability that is sure to take many turns given that it is present in nearly half the products on our shelves.)
Going out to eat. Who doesn’t love going out to eat with a loved-one? But as you contemplate the lobster, steak or other delicacy on the menu, consider the environmental impact of how it was raised and how it traveled to get on your plate! Plus then the doggy bag arrives and you find yourself carrying home several plastic or foam containers in a single-use plastic bag.
Before you think we are just here to rain on your V-Day parade, stay tuned for some tips to make your Valentine’s Day sustainable AND awesome — helping you express your love to others as well as to our planet!
Do — Actions You Can Take
There are SO many ways to green up your Valentines or Galentine’s Day. Here are a few of our favorites.
Eco-Friendly Greeting Cards can be home-made or recycled. Think of the impact of a handwritten note or poem over a store-bought sentiment. Create a keepsake and re-use your Valentine Card by adding new messages each year. Or if you do buy new, look for cards made with recycled paper. There are even cards that can be planted to produce a tree or some wildflowers! The gift that keeps on giving!
Home-made Class Valentines don’t have to be full of candy or plastic. Friends will appreciate home-made creativity. Find things that can be re-used or upcycled. Not feeling inspired? Google “sustainable class valentines” and you will be inundated with great ideas and a fun evening of creating something home-made with your kids.
Green Gifting Options—there are so MANY ways to give green:
When selecting gifts, consider supporting local artisans and businesses. Choose handmade, locally crafted, or sustainable items that often have a smaller environmental impact compared to mass-produced alternatives or something shipped via Amazon. We have some great options in town with Re-New, 10,000 Villages, the Bookstore, or a’la main.
Or buy something vintage from great stores like Mudroom Records, Sign of the Whale Antiques, or the Treasure House. Pop up to SCARCE in Addison for some used books or records.
Or consider DIY gifting. Shop your re-gift closet for something that was not right for you but might be for your valentine. Or create some personalized gifts, like a scrapbook, some baked treats or the like.
Make something like a video or photo collage! There are so many ways to express your love, and a home-made gift says you truly care.
Or instead of a physical gift, give an experience to create lasting memories. Take the train to downtown Chicago, plan a hike, or a trip to a museum. Nothing to recycle or throw away!
Sustainable Decor: If you are feeling the need for some mid-winter decor boosts, adorn your space with zero-waste in mind. Use reusable banners, fabric decorations, or repurpose items from around your home. Avoid single-use balloons and opt for paper flowers or other more sustainable decorations.
Living gifts. Flowers this time of year are tough given, well, our weather! Visit a local florist like Green Branch, or a plant nursery like Good Roots or Barn Owl and get their recommendation for sustainable options. Consider gifting a potted plant, which has some of its own environmental baggage, but lasts longer than cut flowers and contributes to better indoor air quality. What about gifting a bouquet of seed packets or bulbs promising future flowers. Or a plant a tree on behalf of your valentine!
Ethical Chocolate. If chocolate is a must-have on Valentine's Day, choose ethically sourced, fair-trade options. Perhaps find ones that aren’t wrapped individually in plastic or are fresher so no need for palm oil. Look for brands that prioritize sustainability and fair wages for cocoa farmers. GE even has a European chocolatier in Stam. Buy the unwrapped chocolate and opt for the simple cardboard box. You can even take it a step further by making your own homemade chocolate treats using responsibly sourced ingredients.
Eating (or drinking) sustainably. Instead of a traditional meat- or seafood-heavy dinner, opt for a plant-based meal and stay local. All the restaurants in Glen Ellyn offer vegetarian options. Or you could cook something plant-based together. Choose locally sourced, organic ingredients to reduce your carbon footprint and support local farmers. Or instead of a meal, go out for drinks to celebrate your val/galentine!. Glen Ellyn has a great cocktail destination in Common Good Cocktail House or you can get a fantastic glass of wine or bubbly at Marche’ or koze!
This Valentine's Day, express your love for both your dear ones AND the planet by adopting sustainable and eco-friendly practices. From plant-based meals to DIY gifts, there are so many creative ways to celebrate love while minimizing your environmental impact. Have some great ideas? Email us at and we might feature them in an upcoming newsletter or on our social channels.