Solve the Supply Chain Crisis? Yes You Can!

by Karin

A year ago, most Americans had never discussed the topic of "supply chain," but with pandemic-enabled disruptions at every stage, it's become a dinner table topic. Until recently, even the New York Times did not have a logistics beat.

But don't despair, you can do your part to solve the supply chain crisis! Not having instant purchase gratification can cause us all to re-think some old habits or help us use our imagination and wits. And those creative work-arounds can help cut emissions, support local stores, reduce inflation, and have more fun. Supply Chain woes? Not here!

It's time to take action (or not, as the case may be…):

  1. Time to get creative. At Go Green we are all about 'Re-use, Reduce, Recycle.’ If you can't find something, what a great opportunity to get creative. Is there a work-around? Could you borrow it? Can you buy it used from a online marketplace? Here’s a good one: Do you really need it at all?

  2. Time to shop local. Support your local non-chain stores. They were hurt during the pandemic shutdown, so let's show them extra love this holiday and beyond. Shopping local means no shipping so no Amazon or UPS trucks idling on your street. Plus the post office would have fewer packages during their busiest time. Glen Ellyn has many local shops and services. Check out the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce listings. Don't know what to buy? Pick up a Chamber gift check to ensure your recipient also shops locally.

  3. Time for green holiday gifting. Having trouble finding gifts? For holiday giving, why not consider doing Thriftmas? That is, agree with family and friends that all gifting this year must be re-gifts or thrift store finds. The hunt is half the fun! Or give an experience—make a memory rather than giving something that will one day be in the bin or on the island of lost toys. Think concert or theater tickets, Arboretum or Zoo memberships, etc. We’ll have an email dedicated to a having greener holiday, so watch for that for more ideas.

  4. Time to chill. A good part of the supply chain issue is surging demand. That's on us. Consumer panic makes it worse, like hoarding or buying things you don't need. Relax, enjoy what you have and let the supply/demand thing work itself out. Plus, high demand means higher prices, so you can also do your part to quell inflation by just chilling. We're in!

  5. Time for companies (and us!) to rethink supply chains. And that is good news, as the supply chain makes up the vast majority of a company's environmental impact. Looking at old habits and searching for improvements could have a positive impact long term. That goes for us too! Consider your personal 'supply chain.' Are you hooked on Amazon's two-day instant gratification? Can you walk, take public transport or carpool rather than drive? Can you go 'freezer shopping" at home for dinner rather than run to the store? What other ways can you reshape your own person supply chain?

  6. Time to give: Food pantries need your support more than ever. They have had to rely on fewer big shipment corporate donations, plus demand is higher than ever… so please give to your local foodbanks to help offset the need. We have a great one right here in town: The Glen Ellyn Food Pantry. Right now they need donations of rice, flour, and cooking oil, among other things. Check their website for more info. Be a supply chain hero!


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