Hens in Glen Ellyn

Unfortunately, we have sad news to report about hens in GE. Monday night, despite a 5-1 vote in the Planning Commission, a positive recommendation from the Environmental Commission, and 90+ favorable public comments, the Village Trustees voted 4-2 against having hens in Glen Ellyn. 

GGGE President Jac’s public remarks

Full Village hen discussion (starting at 1:14:50)

It was inspiring to see the community involvement inspired by Hen Ellyn and this movement, and we are very disappointed in this decision. Only one trustee took advantage of the invitation to visit some local coops (Both Lombard and Downers allow chicken coops).  Despite the disappointment, the movement lives on. You can

As they said in a post regarding hens in GE, “it’s not a matter of if, but when.” 

This effort also serves to remind us that we have a municipal election coming up (April 1, 2025, no fooling!) where we can vote in new village trustees, a village clerk, library trustees and village president. The slate election is moved up this year, to November 2nd. Currently, the Civic Betterment Committee is looking for candidates, so if you are civic-minded and care about the future of Glen Ellyn, why not consider running? We need more greenies in public office!


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