Why Should Hen Keeping Matter to you?


As our children head back to school (mine just left for her freshman year of college in California!), let's focus on how we can make life better in Glen Ellyn for this generation and the next! Today, let’s focus on an environmental issue in GE -- Hen keeping! Let's learn more about what Go Greeners can do to make positive changes right here in Glen Ellyn!

two hens

The gorgeous girls pictured above are two of my parent's 12-hen brood in Lisle. They produce an average of 5-6 eggs a week each, keeping an extended family supplied with fresh, colorful, pasture-raised hen eggs. They are a delight to watch strolling around the yard and we enjoy hearing their coos and occasional clucks. These girls are currently not allowed in Village boundaries.

Hen Ellyn (the group behind this movement) has been a guest contributor in this newsletter several times. Reasons hens would benefit Glen Ellyn.

Recently, the Glen Ellyn Planning Commission recommended a chicken ordinance be put in front of the Village Board (more on that below!) so there is progress!  One of the concerns about chickens in GE is the perceived noise. Poppycock! We put together a short video to dispel this myth.


We asked our friends at Hen Ellyn to contribute to your to-do list and let Village trustees know where you stand on hen keeping in GE.

"It’s game time, friends. Following a positive recommendation from the Glen Ellyn Plan Commission last month, the Village Trustees will vote this coming Monday, August 26th on the passage of a new ordinance that would allow residents to keep four, six, or eight hens, depending on the size of the lot, in the rear yards of single-family residences. No roosters will be allowed.

The culmination of years of resident advocacy, this vote should reflect the desires of those of us who live in Glen Ellyn and want to raise hens, reduce food waste, reduce carbon footprint, and provide nutritious eggs for our families. We need to show the Trustees strong and broad support within the Village for henkeeping.

If you support the right for residents in Glen Ellyn to keep hens, we urgently need you to tell our trustees! Please consider writing in a supportive comment to be read for the public record here by noon of Monday, 8/26. Meeting name is "Trustee Meeting 8/26" and Agenda Item is "Hens.”

Or better yet, please show up in-person to express your support at 7pm on Monday, 8/26 on the third floor of the Glen Ellyn Civic Center, Galligan Ballroom.

Even if you do not plan to keep hens yourself but you want to live in a Village that allows your neighbors to, your voice makes all the difference for this earth-positive and community-friendly change. If you have any questions, please reach out to Billy Joe Mills at billyjoemills@gmail.com.


Why Should Plastic Turf Matter to you?


Community members and organizations making their events "Go Greener”