Go Green GE team in Springfield
The Go Green GE team headed to Springfield on Thursday, March 20 to discuss with our IL state legislators bills that would ban plastic bags and foam foodware. It was a very busy day in the Capitol! We are extremely thankful that Sen. Laura Ellman and Rep. Terra Costa Howard, along with other legislators, took time out of their schedules to meet with our team and listen to our concerns about plastic pollution.
We are thrilled to share both bills advanced through the Senate committee hearing! Now they will head to the Senate floor for a vote by the entire Illinois State Senate soon.
Please continue to contact our elected officials regarding this legislation - View, sign, and SHARE the 3 action alerts below!
Go Green Glen Ellyn is working with The Coalition for Plastic Reduction (CPR) campaign to ban polystyrene foam foodware containers and single-use plastic checkout bags in Illinois. We also support the reduction of microfibers in our water, so we hope you will do all 3 Action Alerts.
Please share these alerts with your family and friends. This is so important to helping move these critical plastic reduction bills forward! Our legislators need to hear our voice!
Action Alerts
Farewell to Foam and Bye Bye Bags
Farewell to Foam only
Environment Illinois - Tell Illinois legislators: Say Farewell to Foam
Foam, Bags and Microfibers
Alliance for the Great Lakes - Tell Illinois: Keep Plastic Out of Lake Michigan & Our Drinking Water