Village Candidates Tell All! (about their views on sustainability that is!)
Go Green GE gets political this week - we ask village candidates in competitive races a few key questions about sustainability. Election day is April 1 and early and vote by mail voting is underway!
Note that Go Green GE is strictly nonpartisan, and we will never endorse any candidate or political party. But we do believe in voter education and exercising your franchise to vote and have your voice heard about issues that matter to you and the environment.
Voting Matters!
Local elections (Consolidated General Elections) usually have dismal turn out. The last local elections garnered only a 20% turnout in DuPage, which was higher than other adjacent counties. Races run locally include school districts, village leadership, library boards, park district and the like for roles that impact your day to day life in the village. Elections matter, and local elections can turn on a handful of votes.
Turnout is important, as is voter education. Sometimes it is difficult to know where a candidate stands on issues important to you. Go Green Glen Ellyn reached out to all the candidates running in competitive village elections to ask a few questions to shed some light on their views:
What does being sustainable mean to you?
The Village Comprehensive Plan was approved in 2023. It has a number of sustainability goals. Which elements would you prioritize and champion as a trustee/president? Could you provide an example of how you might do this?
Any other comments for us?
This is the Sustainable Resource Stewardship Goal, adopted into the Comprehensive Plan in 2023. Go Green GE was instrumental in crafting and advocating for it to be included in the Village's long range plan.
Your to-dos this week!
VOTE! Why wait until election day? Early voting (and vote by mail) is happening now! Find out where to vote.
Learn more about local candidates at the League of Women Voters Voter Expo tomorrow at Glenbard South from 8:30-1:30. Hear from candidates from nearly every local race impacting you!
Break out your bicycles and hit Bike Glen Ellyn's first slow roll ride of the year March 21 at 6 pm.
Take the EBDRT survey to advocate for a greenway trail!