Welcome to GGGE’s Log.

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. _ Native American Proverb.png

First of an irregular series. Watch out for guest loggers.

by Karin and Jac

To be honest, we are not sure what we are getting ourselves into. We are not environmental activists, but simply some, uh parents? citizens? air-breathers? trying to find ways to become greener and reach a few in our community who want to do the same. We meet great people every day in this village trying to do the right thing. But we don’t always know what that is or how to do it.

Enter Go Green Glen Ellyn — a start-up, truly. It’s just a handful of people figuring it out. So that’s just to say we will screw up. Please be kind when we do. But ultimately, we are hoping this will become a hub of information for local environmental resources (think: local events, answers to recycling questions, gardening ideas, etc), as well as a catalyst for community activation (think: finding other like-minded volunteers).

Our motto is ‘awareness to action.’ If we learn a little, we make adjustments. Small things add up. Awareness of issues spark ideas. And we find ways to make better choices and build on incremental changes in our behavior.

We know making greener choices can be really inconvenient. And there’s the looming specter of climate change which is almost too big to contemplate when you just want to figure out the best way to recycle. Don’t be swayed. Small green changes are good. Every bit contributes. And it may help to find a measure of control against what feels like too big of a problem, even if we aren’t perfect about being green all the time.

But we are not naive to think that our actions as citizens of Glen Ellyn are going to be more than a drop in the proverbial ocean. Addressing this issue will take lots of small actions, a different mindset and lifestyle changes as well as technology advances and scary, life-altering actions from governments big and small. We are a part of that system. We set an example, do our best, encourage others, learn, VOTE our conscious and raise consciousness. Little steps become a bigger movement. At least that’s what we are telling ourselves. Of course, we also hope to have you drink that green kool-aid right along with us. C’mon, you’ve read this far. Join us.


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