What’s your favorite memory?

by Jac

Take a minute, close your eyes and think about it. Do you have it in your mind? Ok, now open. (Wow, you can read with your eyes closed?!) Did your favorite memory take place outside?

For many of us, nature is where we create many special memories. It can be as exhilarating as running a marathon or relaxing as napping in a hammock. It can be as exciting as an outdoor concert or as peaceful as gazing at the stars. It can be a walk alone in the woods or a beach vacation with family.

I attended a fantastic webinar by Jim Kleinwatcher of the Conservation Foundation where he asked participants to think of their favorite memories just as I did with you. Now that we’ve brought those memories to the surface, think about how important the outdoors is to those memories. What if your child’s soccer field was covered with trash? What if Lake Michigan was closed to swimmers due to algae blooms? What if fireflies stopped frequenting your backyard on summer nights?

We need nature, and nature needs us. It’s pretty simple. But knowing where to start can be hard. That’s why we started Go Green Glen Ellyn. All you need to do is be a person who lives in our beautiful community and want to keep it that way for future generations. We’ll work together to figure out how we can do just that.


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