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Go Green Glen Ellyn Go Green Glen Ellyn

Join Us!

Go Green Glen Ellyn needs you. Won’t you join us?

Think of Go Green Glen Ellyn as a seedling of a say, an oak tree. The goal is to grow and to be an established presence in the neighborhood, but it may take some time to produce our first acorn.

So, help us grow! Join our mailing list to get signed up for our newsetter. Your contribution to Go Green’s growth can be simply that. Or perhaps you volunteer at a pop up event. Or contact a local representative about a green initiative you heard about from Go Green. Or use and share a tip you learned right here.

Easy Peasy, Greener.

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Native tree and shrub sale
Go Green Glen Ellyn Go Green Glen Ellyn

Native tree and shrub sale

The 2024 Glen Ellyn Native Tree & Shrub Sale is open for orders until 12 pm on September 13th. Explore a wide variety of species designed to enhance your yard and support local wildlife. Click below to learn more and place your order!  

Mark your calendar for pickup on September 28th, from 9 to 11 am at the Frank Johnson Center. Please note that plant purchases won’t be available during pickup.

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Can I do anything with old sneakers?
Angela Powell, GGGE Director of Operations Angela Powell, GGGE Director of Operations

Can I do anything with old sneakers?

Around this time of year, many people are buying new shoes for back to school. It can be exciting…a fresh new pair of shoes that feels like you are walking on pillows. However, sometimes we don’t always think of what happens to the old shoes.  In the United States, at least 200 million pairs of shoes end up in landfills each year.  If that shocks your sole (pun intended) then read on.

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Hens in Glen Ellyn
Karin, GGGE Co-Founder Karin, GGGE Co-Founder

Hens in Glen Ellyn

Unfortunately, we have sad news to report about hens in GE.

 Monday night, despite a 5-1 vote in the Planning Commission, a positive recommendation from the Environmental Commission, and 90+ favorable public comments, the Village Trustees voted 4-2 against having hens in Glen Ellyn. 

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Why Should Plastic Turf Matter to you?
Karin, GGGE Co-Founder Karin, GGGE Co-Founder

Why Should Plastic Turf Matter to you?

As our children head back to school (mine just left for her freshman year of college in California!), let's focus on how we can make life better in Glen Ellyn for this generation and the next! Today let's focus on keeping artificial (plastic) turf out of our elementary schools! Learn more about what Go Greeners can do to make positive changes right here in Glen Ellyn!

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Why Should Hen Keeping Matter to you?
Karin, GGGE Co-Founder Karin, GGGE Co-Founder

Why Should Hen Keeping Matter to you?

As our children head back to school, let's focus on how we can make life better in Glen Ellyn for this generation and the next! Today, let’s focus on an environmental issue in GE -- Hen keeping! Let's learn more about what Go Greeners can do to make positive changes right here in Glen Ellyn!

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Community members and organizations making their events "Go Greener”
Jac, GGGE President and Co-Founder  Jac, GGGE President and Co-Founder 

Community members and organizations making their events "Go Greener”

Since the beginning, our mission at Go Green Glen Ellyn has been to help Glen Ellyn residents and businesses be greener.  We've done that through education, advocacy, and events.  This week we are sharing the success of other community members and organizations in making their events "Go Greener!"  You can learn and try some ideas at your next gathering!  Plus, we will share what we are doing to make the Taste of Glen Ellyn the greenest ever!

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